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Alex Dybenko Home Page

You are visitor number 340991 since September 1st 2004

Picture made at Microsoft Summit 2004

So my name is Alex Dybenko. I am living in Moscow, Russia, working in a private company "Point Limited" as Microsoft Access, VB, SQL Server, etc  Developer.

Here you can find some information about me, my family, and my plans. Everything related to Microsoft Access and programming you can find here:

If you need an urgent assistance in Access/VB/SQL - try our AssistPoint

Here you can find my blogs and subscribe to them if you like:

Alex & Access Alex & Alfa Alex@Point

MVP Logo

This year was again awarded as Most Valuable Professional, what makes me feel great!

Here a link to my first home page, 5 years old, in case you would like to see how it was

Home Page | My Family | More About Me | Related Sites | Travel

Written and designed by Alex Dybenko
Last Update: 01-08-2006
Copyright © 1997-2006 by Alex Dybenko
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